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Temporal Evolution of Magnetized Planetary Environments during exTreme Events

TEMPETE is a project supported by the French National Research Agency (ANR) and will lats from January 2018 to Janyary 2022.

The project aims to understand the response of planetary magnetospheres and exospheres to solar storms, and in particular when Coronal Mass ejections (CME) and their associated interplanetary shock interact with these planetary environments.

The main scientific goals of our projects are:

a-  Characterization of the boundaries’ and magnetosphere’s response to different drivers and extreme events,

b-  Assessment of the impacts of extreme events on the upper atmosphere/exosphere (Mars and Mercury),

c-   Determination of the reconfiguration time scales of weakly-magnetized objects (Mars) as compared to small or large scale magnetosphere (Mercury, Earth respectively).

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Contact : R. Modolo, LATMOS/IPSL, UVSQ-Université Paris-Saclay, UPMC-Sorbonnes Universités, CNRS